Archive for January, 2006

Games for Suse 10

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2006

After upgrading my girlfriend’s PC from Suse Linux 9 to Suse Linux 10, I was searching a little bit for 2 games that we did play on the old Suse Version but are not part of the Suse 10 distribution: xpilot and gnocatan. For xpilot I took the old RPM:

rpm --nodeps -Uh rplay-3.3.2-579.i586.rpm \ xpilot-4.5.4-27.i586.rpm

Gnocatan changed it’s name to “pioneers”. I did not find any fitting pioneers-RPM but I found those 2 at which did fit to Suse 10:

What else do we play ? – clanbomber, lbreakout2, bash 😉 … What do you play on Linux?


Sunday, January 1st, 2006

bootrace: welche Distri bootet schneller? Hier meine Ergebnisse:
Hardware: siemens mobile510 (PII-366Mhz, 192MB RAM)

mephis, kernel 2.4, kdm 1m47s
mephis, kernel 2.6, kdm 2m07s
eduknoppix,kernel 2.4, kdm 1m51
knoppix 4.02 von CD 3m43s

Hardware: AMD K6 400Mhz 256MB RAM

Debian,Gnome 2m40s
Suse 9.1 5m00s
Mandriva LE05 5m00s
kubuntu 5.04 3m14s
Suse 10.0 3m00s

Bei Suse 10 dauert das ‘ruterfahren unangenehm lange. Ich muss ihm noch beibringen, dass er für Programme, die ich selten nutze kein “preload” anlegt.